costa rica's most impressive natural spectacles
Birds of prey migration infographic
Did you know that the Caribbean coastal plains of Costa Rica are one of the world’s most important corridors for migratory birds of prey during their October migration? During this unique natural spectacle, over 3 million birds of prey belonging to at least 17 species pass through the country, with numbers reaching 500,000 individuals in a single day.
Humpback whale infographic
Bahía Ballena, Bahía Drake, and the Isla del Caño Biological Reserve, all located in Costa Rica, are some of the best places in the world to spot humpback whales. These sites are located in the northern and southern Pacific coasts of the country, while Ballena National Marine Park is one of the best 10 spots in the world to see the species, according to National Geographic. The Guanacaste coast is also a great option!
Sea turtle infographic
Did you know that five of the seven known species of sea turtles are found in Costa Rica? That’s just how privileged our country is: year after year, on both coasts, we host mass arrivals of nesting green, leatherback, olive ridley, loggerhead and hawksbill sea turtles. These wonderful creatures never fail to delight tourists from Costa Rica and abroad who see them emerging from the sea in massive numbers to find their nesting sanctuaries on our beaches.